Enhance your best features
You don't have to be a beauty queen to have something that sets you apart from others. Some women have great legs. If that is you do what you can to show them off. Especially in the summer time show off those legs. If your shoulders are your best feature than wear sleeveless dresses and blouses. You can enhance any part of your body modestly. You don't have to dress lewd or slutty to get peoples attention.
A little makeup goes a long way. Too much makeup is hideous and looks very fake. They should teach girls at very young age how to apply makeup without looking like they are icing a cake. Too much eye makeup will take away from most womens best feature. After all if your eyes were your best feature you would want to enhance them not look as if you are a clown in a circus.
Some women look very good in long hair while others look good with short hair. Your beautician can usually advise you if you are not sure. Ask what hair style would be best for you and take less time in the morning getting ready. You talk with your hair in your body language and movements. Wear your hair in a style that enhances your the features of your face.
They should have men sell womens cologne and women sell mens. The cologne may smell good in the store but does it smell good on you and do men like it on you. Some colognes can act negative to your body chemistry and not smell so good. I would want a women to tell me if a cologne worked for me. I would think a women would want a man to tell her the same thing.
Improvements vs what you have
Everyone wants to improve on themselves but don't let that stop you from being who you are. Try not to dwell on what you don't have but on what you have. Running to weight watchers and your plastic surgeon all the time may make you feel better but it won't necessarily make you better. Sure we can all improve on our appearance and lose weight but be grateful for who you are. Our society dwells so much on looks that we overlook our best qualities.
So in closing, be confident with who you are and enhance your best features. You will find you will have more confidence in yourself.
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